Often summer time means traveling and if you have welcomed a new baby since your last summer road trip adventure, it may be intimidating bringing a new addition along for the ride this summer. You might be used to more spontaneous trips where you can drive as long as you need too, stop and eat fast food along the way and maybe not even having a concrete plan of how the trip will go or how long it will take you to get there. If you plan to travel with a new baby this summer, Parry Custom Homes, a premier Pittsburgh on your lot builder, shares tips for a new travel plan with baby to help make your first excursion less intimidating.
Traveling with a baby can be very fun and worthwhile, making you not miss your “free” pre-baby traveling days as much. The main thing to keep in mind when traveling with a baby is to plan a bit extra and manage your expectations ahead of time.
The first tip you will want to put in place is to strap everything down that will be around your baby when you travel. Since babies love to throw things, you can end up with all your baby essentials out of reach if the baby has thrown food, socks and pacifiers all across your backseat. The best thing you can do is invest in spill-proof snack containers for any snacks you bring with you and sippy cups that are spill proof.
Next, be sure pacifiers are on a strap and can’t be pulled off easily. It is also a good idea to keep backups of things like extra so you can have them close to you in case you need another.
Another tip that might be even more helpful than keeping a parent in the backseat is to schedule your travel around the babies sleeping schedule. Whether you choose to drive during nap time or drive over night for longer trips, traveling while baby sleeps can mean a more peaceful, uninterrupted travel for mom, dad and baby. It can also help the baby not become distressed.
While it may not be idea, you might want to consider is having one parent in the backseat with the baby to keep them happy, feel them and meet their needs. It may be necessary for parts of the trip if not the whole trip to and from to make the car ride more bearable for all.
Another tip that might be even more helpful than keeping a parent in the backseat is to schedule your travel around the babies sleeping schedule. Whether you choose to drive during nap time or drive over night for longer trips, traveling while baby sleeps can mean a more peaceful, uninterrupted travel for mom, dad and baby. It can also help the baby not become distressed.
A great tip to keep in mind not only for babies but as your child grows, is to save certain toys, animals or treats for road trips only. You can even buy a few new books or toys that your baby hasn’t seen before than will help provide several extra hours of entertainment during your travel. Be sure once you get to where you are going or get home, those toys and treats stay saved for the next car ride.
Lastly, be sure to dress your baby in layers. Especially during transitional seasons, temperatures can change during the day and night and it is much easier to add clothes to baby and easily remove them than mess with changing outfits.
These tips will surely have your first family road trip go as smooth as possible as a new family of three.
Parry Custom Homes is an established homebuilder in the Pittsburgh area. Call or contact us today for more information.