As the housing market has experienced its lows over the past several years and now is bouncing back to experience highs that haven’t been seen in a while, it makes sense that more Americans would feel more secure in their decision to invest in real estate again after in possibly shying away from it in recent years. Parry Custom Homes, a premier Pittsburgh on your lot builder, shares a recent Gallup poll that shows 35% of Americans believe that real estate is their best long-term investment.
This recent poll was taken based on telephone interviews conducted in early April. In this poll, real estate was at the top of the list for Americans as their pick of the “best long-term investment.” Over the past two years, this choice has increased its lead over the other investment choices given.
Thirty-five percent of Americans are now choosing real estate as their top long-term investment, compared to 22% for stocks and mutual funds, 17% for gold, 15% for savings accounts and CDs and bonds rounded out the options at just 7%.
Over the last five years, gold and real estate have virtually switched positions since gold prices have tumbled and home sales have recovered since the 2007-2009 housing market collapse that the U. S. is finally recovering from.
The average sale price of new homes in the U.S. increased from $259,300 in August of 2011 to $348,900 in February of this year. The percentage of Americans choosing real estate as their best long-term investment has almost doubled as well in the recent years.
Lastly, this recent poll found that renters were polled at 32% in listing real estate as the best long-term investment compared to homeowners at a close 34%.
If investing in your new home is something you plan to do this year, contact Parry Custom Homes and let us help you build a home you can be proud to invest in.
Parry Custom Homes is an established homebuilder in the Pittsburgh area. Call or contact us today for more information about this floor plan option, or to view other homes in our portfolio that may suit your new home needs.