You are thinking about moving, but you’re not sure if you want to leave your current house. You have memories there; it’s where you started your family. Yes you have memories there, but if you remember this morning there wasn’t enough room at the kitchen table for everyone or there is no quiet place for you to do work from home. There’s a reason you contemplating a new home and it’s because you know your current home isn’t working for you anymore. You will find that a new Parry Custom Home solves all those problems your current home is causing your family. You will hardly be able to wait to pack up all your precious belongings and move into your new Parry Home and for all the new memories that your family is going to make in their new home.
When you visit the showroom at Parry Custom Homes, we know that something is not working for your family with your current home, or you just wouldn’t be there. It will help if you start by making a list of all the things that you would like to see in your new Parry Home. By identifying the problem Parry Home builder’s can start to help you look for the solutions and eliminate the problems your family is currently experiencing. Do you have enough closet space? Do you hate your kitchen layout? Are your spaces too small? Do you dislike your current neighborhood? Do you need an office space? Are you looking for more neighborhood amenities? Is your family expanding? What are some of the key features missing in your current home that you’d like to see in your next home? When you come to the Parry Custom Home showroom you will see floor plans that will fit your family’s needs and move you away from what you have out grown in your old house and into your new home.
Don’t forget, once we complete your home, all that is left to do is to relax and enjoy your Parry Home with your family and friends with the peace of mind and comfort knowing that your Parry Home was built the right way without any shortcuts taken to cut cost with Parry Custom Homes.
Parry Custom Homes is an established homebuilder in the Pittsburgh area. For additional information about our services, call (724) 863-0199.